Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Day in Harajuku

Ok you can take my manhood from me if you wish for this. But the first time I go out of walking distance i don't go to a bar, a strip club, a sporting event, or even on a date, or to go racing...I go to Harajuku. And i don't care yes i went to a World fashion Capital on a day off and window shopped. You know what? I enjoyed it too hell I'd have bought some stuff but what i could afford couldn't fit, what could fit I couldn't afford, and as I'm Military I couldn't buy one of the hats ANY of the stores were selling because I'm Anal about having to HOLD a hat inside a building, besides I have a weird head shape...hats just look goofy on me. Though i did see one jacket that made me REALLy want to go out of my price range of the 7,000 Yen I had to spend. Anyway being exposed to fashion the way I was got me thinking. With as many consider it a hobby, passing fancy, career, or life,and seeing the attached price tag, it made me think: Is it worth it? The answer is vague: It's subjective. there can never be a true and honest opinion on fashion because of numerous factors, is it pleasing, ugly, or too pricy...all of it is subjective. There is no answer I guess even calling it 'fashion' is subjective if someone doesn't think it is. But you know what? I found stuff my sisters would like and stuff I liked. So while out of my price range, it was quite nice to experience.

Now everyone goes on about the fashion in Harajuku, but you know what? The food is...amazing. I saw some little cafe in Harajuku called 'Cafe cloud' that was near empty. had lunch there. Lunch was a tomato based vegetable beef soup, a leafy green salad with a ginger dressing, and a a sandwich. the sandwich was on a baguette it had tuna, olives, green pepper, and fresh tomato. All of it diced really fine and toasted. People can have their 500 Dollar Ralph Lauren polo shirts, designer jackets, and Louis Vuitton handbags, but the 800 or so yen (about 10 USD) I spent on lunch was more satisfying. Besides later chatting with some Brit and his Girlfriend made for an interesting day.

Story behind that in my failed search for a jacket I bump into a 6'5" brit searching for a jacket also I make the comment 'Amazing stuff here, but none of it fit". So we're just walking and talking about random stuff for a few blocks, now let me tell you bartenders are interesting dudes to chat with, and let me make this known...I love the c*** that comes out of the mouths of brits. i am in my dorm room with a stomach full of Eggplant, tomato, and sukiyaki Curry (CoCo's Level 8) and blogging again strongly considering getting a proper blogger account on another website. This is fun. Next week....Roppongi..or Tokyo itself.

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