Here i am sitting in my room in Toyo, with broken AC, a creer going no where, literary if not writing inspiration. I write this not as a broken man, as i have not found what makes me true. I write this as one in search of their 'True Coriander'. A phrase to mean that i am searching for something and have no idea what it is, only that it exists.
This is why I have not Posted in a long time, the ennui of not realizing myself has gotten to me, and hopefully a chance will be given to me. I have indulged more in photography, entering a contest and losing in all categories, doing some minor work with co-workers, trying to write a novella, but nothing grabs me, not lately.
I am in search of my True Coriander, and I doubt i'll know when I find it as there is nobody that can tell me.
I get in the same funks. Sometimes doing something different/new does work to create a new spark.